First steps to amFOSS

Source: aditya

My Experience

This is my view about all the tasks to get into FOSS.

Doing all the Tasks

At first I was quite confused what to apply for BIOS or FOSS, however i do think I made the right decision, appyling to FOSS as it was the reason for me to comlpete all the small dreams This was quite a experience, coding day and night, coding while travelling was all a dream which has finally come true. Wished i had a hoodie at times, to have that hacker look tho :) I did have a blog that I created when I was a kid from the templates in weebly at that time, however never felt that was enough.There was this FOSS task to create a blog, and to be honest I am quite satisfied with what I’ve done. Hope I just improve from here

Self Evalution

Before knowing about FOSS

It was my dream to be a coder, and during my 9th grade I learnt HTML through some videos on Youtube. However all that came to an end during 10th,11th and 12th grade. Learnt C++ during the last two yars of school, but I was not able to make practical usage of it due to all the JEE coaching classes I had. It took some time for me to accept the fact I would be joining Amrita, but after reading some answers on quora about FOSS I felt maybe this is what might perfect for me. In that enthusiasm I learned a bit of python3 from Youtube and tried building some basic programs.

After doing the FOSS tasks

FOSS was one of the reasons why I so glad about myself. After my 10th grade, to be honest I was never proud of myself. It was a series of constant failures. However after doing all tasks, staying up late just to get them done, I actually feel proud of myself and what I have done in the last couple of weeks. I am really grateful for this.

What I will do in the next 6 months

If I get into FOSS

Getting into FOSS would be a dream come true. Developing apps and websites is my dream and there is no better place than FOSS that would help me acheive it. However getting in FOSS would not be the end. I would try my best to be able to take part in GSoc and also try to become a bug bounty hunter and try to get into any Hall oFame :) My dedication towards the club and towards acheiving my dream would be twice as much it has been until now.

If I do not get into FOSS

This would not be the end of my journey, I would code and try to improve my skills in order to get into FOSS the next semester. I know it sounds weird but this is something I really want.

Tasks Not done

Task 3

This is one task that pulled me towards it, each day after hours of work it would seem as I made a bit more progress and as a result I wanted to finish it, but ironically it did not. I have a program that takes up all the links in the page. Always had a syntax error when I wanted to get into a class, even after hours of Google search I could not find a solution.

Task 5, Task 6 and Task 10

Really wanted to do these tasks but due to all the assignments I was dumped with could not do so. There are days in which I slept at 3 in order to complete the tasks. Took a part of the code of Task 5 but could not verify it as I did not have a twitter developers account.

Task 4

Tried a lot to complete this task however when I could not figure it out. While running the program it always showed error. Maybe cause I used python3. Did not actually figure that out and kept it aside for the last thing I would do.

My Mentor

I know this is not necessary, but it is something I wanna add. I was very lucky to have a mentor with so much passion. At any point of the day he would be available and was always ready to take a look at my codes. Moreover he would also suggest what more I could do to improve what I have done, and what more I could do. I’m not revealing the name cause I have not asked his permission to do so, maybe will update it later.