Lab sessions

My Experience in the lab sessions

This is about my experience in the lab sessions by amFOSS.

Life during the week

At first I was actually quite sceptic about staying in the lab and coding late. Somewhere in my head I felt that I would not enjoy this, however the quite oppsite occured.The lab, where everyone sat and wrote codes did not feel like a alienated place, instead it felt more like a coding family, where anyone was ready to help and motivate you at any point of time. In fact this just increased my productivity. A hour of work in any other place could be completed her in half the time. For letting me experience this I am very grateful to amFOSS and all the mentors involved.

Tasks pending

It may seem that I have not completed any new task in the whole week,but actually there is a bigger picture to it.It was in fact mainly my stubbornness to complete one task and then move into another that effected me. Each day I would feel I got a step closer and would try even more to get the task completed.

Task 3

This is the task that took all my time, reading about google scraping on the internet made me want to try it out. After reading through some blogs and artcles on how to scrape a website, I felt as if this task was easy. However all the blockers and errors came after I gave it a go.I wrote a code that would display the links shown when a user searches for Linux in google.However this didnt work after hours of unsuccessful debugging, I wrote a new code with a different approach. This cycle continued untill I had made 4 differnt codes. The only common element in them was the fact that I was using css selectors. This is when I took a gamble and tried to display the links through xpath and suprisingly it worked.However there was no class selected and hence it displayed all the links shown in the page. After hours of trying to add the class , being unsuccessful I displayed the links one by one. All I have left to do is to know the syntax to get into the class. After searching online I found many ways however everything had one problem or the other.

Task 4 and Task 5

Both these tasks are something I left for the last. Got to much into the ruby task that I did not want to get into any other task without completing it and hence did not focus on it much.

Task 6

I started doing this task before the lab sessions and left it half way because the of some gopath error, howver in between got that fixed and applied for twitter developmental account, which I have not received upto now.Due to this could not check whether my code is right and what modifications I should do to it.

Task 3

Yes, the CS10 is a task I have not completed. I tried it to be honest, but I felt watching a video was not as pulling as physically coding and due to this very reason stopped watching it after the first episode.